How To Make Money On The Internet Flipping Websites

How To Make Money On The Internet Flipping Websites
Flipping websites or blogs to make money online is really a great way to make money on the Internet. Though I personally do not practice this way to earn money but flipping sites is indeed a good way to earn a decent income on the internet. In fact there are numerous individuals who flip sites to earn a living online. So let me go a bit deep into the concept and process of flipping websites so that you too can have a clear understanding and decide if this can be one more arsenal in your hands to earn money online.

What is Website Flipping?

Basically put in simple terms it is - selling of websites or blogs that a person owns for instant cash.

There are two ways that you can flip websites :-

* Set-up a site and then sell it
* buy a site and then sell it at a higher price

Now it must be stated here that to make a site that you can sell for making good money, your site must provide value that is it must be worthy to attract customers. To make your site worthy you must know what customers look for before purchasing a site. Listed below are a few things that normally a customer looks for before purchasing a site :-

1. how old is the domain - more aged your domain is - more would be the price that you can ask for.

2. how much content does the site have - more the amount of unique content your site has, more will be the price. But remember that you must not fill-up your site with duplicate content - only unique content is given its worth.

3. what topic or niche your site is built around - topics which attract more visitors and can be monetized easily are given more weight.

4. does your site rank higher in search engines like Google for any highly searched terms - more highly your site ranks for highly searched terms - more will be its worth

5. how much is your site earning at present - a rough estimate tells that a site can easily be sold for 10 to 12 times its present monthly earnings. (This is the reason I like to keep my sites rather than sell them because anyway I'm going to make the amount in the next 10 to 12 months and may be even more - earning potential can be improved with a little more work)

6. the amount of backlinks your site has acquired - more the number of linkbacks - more will be the money you can make by selling the site. If your site is a blog than your higher feed reader count can also make your blog more valuable.

So if you are setting a site for flipping in future - make sure you at least let six months or one year pass before you list it for sell, add enough valuable optimized content so that they rank well in search engines, build it around niches that are worthy like health and fitness, sports etc, your site has started making some considerable amount from affiliate sales or contextual advertising so that you can show potential stats for your site and last but not the least your site has acquired some decent amount of backlinks and readers.

If you want to buy and then sell sites at a higher price - make sure the site that you buy is at least one year old, has a decent amount of unique content, is build around a profitable niche, is already making a decent income, it has at least a PR value of 2 and if it is a blog than it has at least one hundred subscribers. After you buy a site you can also build it up further so that you can set it at a much higher price for sale.

Some places where you can Buy And Sell (Flip) your sites :-

1. - Marketplace

I hope you now have a good and clear understanding of how to make money flipping websites. So if you think that this process will work for you then you can indeed give it a try. For other genuine ways to make money on the Internet you can also read - 101+ Ways To Earn Money Online.

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